Education, Child Development & Family Services
Child Development / 1: Foundations
This competency-based course is the first in a sequence of three designed for early childhood education. Emphasis is placed on the theories of human development and growth. Field observations and experiences with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are provided as application components of studying child development program goals, guidance techniques, health and nutrition practices, indoor and outdoor environments, and special education requirements.
Child Development / 2: Curriculum
This competency-based course is the second in a sequence of three designed for early childhood education. Emphasis is placed on the principles and practices of effective curriculum planning including play-based curricular activities and activities that enhance familial and societal relationships of students.
Child Development / 3: Supervision
This competency-based course is the last in a sequence of three designed for early childhood education. It provides students with project-based experiences in child development program supervision. Emphasis is placed on program development, supervision, evaluation, staff and volunteer recruitment and retention, staff relations, facility maintenance, business practices, staff and student health and nutrition, parental involvement, and public relations.
Education 4 / Special Ed.
This competency-based course is the last in a sequence of four designed for teacher training. It provides students with- project-based experiences in special education programs. Emphasis is placed on the policies, principles, and practices in special education highlighted by portfolio development based on field observations.